2019 Porsche Cayenne 9YO

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2019 Porsche Cayenne

Purchase Pictures

This is Elizabeth's new car, kind of a reward for getting a promotion at work.



Load Management

This is actually a relatively straight-forward bit of work, though the carpet strips that need to be remvoed are a little delicate, so if you want to reuse those proceed with caution and don't pull too hard. First, take the removeable cover out and set it aside, and lower the back seats. You'll need a T40 Torx bit, which is harder to find (though my Lowes had them). Flip the tie downs open, flip the covers up, and remove them. The long carpet srips in the side channels come out easily, just gently push them towards the front of the car and the pop out. The 4 end pieces have a tab that points towards the open section of the channel, hold that down and push towards the open side and they'll pop out. Then, just remove the center bolt and the load rails will drop right end. Tightn them up, and replace the cover. Then just drop in the load anchors and arrange to taste.

Door Puddle Lights

This is another pretty straightforward project. You do need something fairly rigid, but unlikely to scuff to door plastic. I used an old thick ID card, a little thicker/stronger than a credit card, to you need to push hard at the top outside corners of the puddle light, in then down to relaced the little arms. Then just extend the wire and squeece the release arms on the connector, swap the lamp, and pop it back in.

Charging Dock